When properties have been left to decay to such an extent they have a negative impact on neighbours and the surrounding area, Councils can use Section 215 notices requiring owners to rectify the situation. Such a notice has now been served in respect of the 3 properties referred to in an earlier Brighton Bits post,
"The Changing face of Kingsway". This notice requires Stranmede Ltd, the owners, to repair the semi detached properties and remove clutter from the gardens. No.148 on the right, although appearing unoccupied is not included.
A notice has also been served on Maria Holliday in relation to Lawnscroft, 155 Kingsway. The owner had agreed to demolish the former nursing home by the end of September and begin building on the site where there is planning permission for a new 30-
bed nursing home. However, no action has been taken.
The owners have 6 months to complete the works.
Council press release.
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