Saturday 15 February 2020

A carbon neutral city in 10 years

BHCC have committed us to becoming carbon neutral by 2030, 20 years ahead of the UK government’s target of 2050. As only 2.5% of the city’s emissions come from the council, this can only be achieved if everyone plays their part to reduce emissions.

A Climate Assembly will be set up and details of how this will be organised will be circulated in the next week. This assembly will bring together 50 residents to help shape how the city can address the climate crisis and recommend and prioritise actions for the city to take forward.

Following best practice, the members of the Climate Assembly will be randomly selected and will broadly represent the demographics of the city’s population. The assembly will involve people from across the whole city. Transport will be the subject of the first meeting.

Full council article.

RSCH development, Mar 2017 - Jan 2020.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Volunteer at the Festival

Various opportunities are available, from providing a warm welcome to visitors and audiences, to helping the social media team keep up to date with all the action. Volunteers will be helped to develop their skills and knowledge within a busy arts organisation, whilst joining the festivities and contributing to events in your local community. Read more.

A Volunteer Open Evening will be held on Wednesday 26 February from 5-7pm in the Brighton Dome Foyer. Meet some of the Festival team and find out how you can get involved. Alternatively email at

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Upper Russell Street (2)

Before it was cleared in the 1960s, for the building of Churchill Square, Upper Russell Street ran parallel to Western Road from Clarence Square to near the top of Regency Road where it turned sharply north to join Western Road alongside the Lamb & Flag (now Crowns) pub. It could not join up with the west end of Regency Road because it was on a higher level. Instead a rough grassy bank existed between the corner of Upper Russell Street and Regency Road, probably about 10 feet below. 

Upper Russell Street now lies under the Churchill Square 1 car park where it roughly follows the ground floor central east-west feeder lane.

Google Earth view of the area today.

Below are two photos from the RP&M Collections of the northward running section of Upper Russell Street in the 1950s.

The side of the still existing Lamb & Flag can be seen in the distance.

On the right of the photo is the southernmost building of this section of Upper Russell Street which flanked the bank down to Regency Road.