The local list is a list of buildings, parks and gardens considered to be of special interest, because of their local architectural/design, historic and/or townscape interest. A call for nominations was held in 2013, and since then, over 500 nominations have been assessed against the selection criteria to produce a draft local list.
This list has now been published and can be viewed on the Council's website
A typical page |
The Conservation Officer responsible has carried out a very thorough job and the result is a valuable register of the many buildings and other sites that help to establish the City's historic character.
An associated draft Planning Advice Note (PAN) has also been produced. This provides further information on local listing, including the selection criteria, procedure for review and implications of local listing: Local listing does not provide extra legislative controls or protection for those buildings, parks and gardens included on the local list. Permitted development rights are not affected. There is no additional control over changes which do not require planning permission or over internal changes. As such, local listing is different to statutory listing at national level, which provides additional controls over changes to both the interior and exterior of the building.
However, the presence of a property on such a list does provide a signal to the owner of its importance in the townscape and when planning permission is required, that the special interest or ‘significance’ of the asset will be taken into account.
Comments are invited on the draft local list and draft PAN (But no new nominations). Assessments will only be reconsidered on the basis of new evidence which clearly shows how the asset does or does not meet the selection criteria.

A number of thematic surveys have also been undertaken as part of the review, including surveys of street lighting and letterboxes. Due to the number of these two types of asset, selectivity is required. Specific criteria have been produced in each case, and examples meeting the criteria will be added to the list when they are identified. Only one example of an unlisted K6 (red) telephone kiosk has been identified in the city, and has been retained on the draft local list.
Examples of street lighting and letterboxes which meet the thematic criteria, or any further unlisted examples of K6 (red) telephone kiosks. These should be submitted to the Heritage Team by email or letter, with an exact location, a short description and if possible also a photograph.