The Black Rock site |
BHCC have appointed architects WilkinsonEyre to lead a team of world-renowned experts to develop a masterplan for the city's Waterfront project, an important element of which is the provision of a new conference and entertainment venue at Black Rock. The site under consideration, next to the Marina, is owned by the BHCC.
WilkinsonEyre who designed the famous Gateshead Millennium bridge and the Olympic Basketball Arena for London 2012, will carry out initial work to draw up a masterplan study of Black Rock and how it relates to the surrounding seafront sites.
Providing a new events venue will enable the Churchill Square shopping centre to be enlarged and extended to the Kings Road, so strengthening its position on the south coast and ensuring competing shopping centres do not take away market share. The architectural practices appointed to transform Kings Road & Churchill Square are ACME, who are currently completing Leeds Victoria Gate and a masterplan for Chester city centre; and Leonard Design Architects, who have played a key part in major regeneration schemes in London.
The masterplan will make sure the sites are developed to a high standard that enhances the city's heritage. Conservation groups will be involved to ensure consideration of the seafront's historic landscape is included in the plan.
The Council is also considering both day-to-day and event-specific transport options for the development. The proposals will seek to link Brighton station, existing hotels and tourism infrastructure with the development sites.
Recent negotiations between the Council and Standard Life Investments (the owners of Churchill Square) on the Waterfront development should enable an agreement to be put to the Policy & Resources Committee for approval in Spring 2016. This will allow contracts to be exchanged and work to begin in earnest.
Location of the Black Rock site in relation to the Kemptown CA. |