Monday 28 February 2011

News from the Pepperpot

Work is due to start shortly on the outside of the Pepperpot and continue for several months. It is hoped to restore it to its former glory with paint that will also provide protection for the tower.

The first Annual General Meeting of "Friends of the Pepperpot", is taking place on March 10th in the upstairs of the 'Pub with No Name' at 7.30 pm. As well as the constitutional stuff, there will be a presentation with a round up of the year’s activities, setting of goals for next year, a look ahead to future plans and an opportunity to view pictures and buy cards. Admission is free.

It will be followed by wine tasting given by Henry Butler (taking place from approximately 9pm). Tickets for this will be £12 including a £2 donation towards the Pepperpot group. Tickets can be bought from the Dover Castle, the Workshop for the Imagination, the 'Pub with No Name', or on the door.

Later, on Saturday 19th March at the Brighton History Centre, a ‘Memory Day’ will be held. If you have memories you’d like to share you are invited to  come along between 10.30 am and 3.30 pm. If you are coming please let Hamish MacGillivray know on: 07811-144622.

Earlier posts:-
Winter warmer at the Pepperpot
Plans for the Pepperpot
The Pepperpot


  1. It's not a big place Brighton, but I knew nothing about this gem. Maybe 40 odd years ago I was thinking of something else - foreign students and adventures on the Palace Pier.

    It is great to see so much interest in securing the town's past and its amazing architectural gems.

  2. Glad you called it the "Palace Pier". Present owners would like it to be known as "Brighton Pier" :p

  3. Yeah well they would having lost the West Pier which was to my mind the prettier of the two.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Pepperpot is a gem.
    Also, I think the West Pier is still one of the most evocative and beautiful views around Sussex. I keep being told it's decrepit -it becomes ever more ethereal and romantic to me.


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