The last of the 50 year-old sign boards still remaining. They are believed to be the inspiration of Dr Clifford Musgrave, one-time Director of the Royal Pavilion Estate, author of "Life in Brighton" and curator of the famous annual Regency Exhibitions. It is probably no exaggeration to say that these signs, being widely reproduced in publicity material over 50 years, have become world famous and one of Brighton's iconic symbols.
(Inevitably it has been graffitied with a stuck- on label.)

The sign still remaining is in North Street. At the other entrances to the Lanes they have been replaced by these blue finger posts, which although more informative are devoid of any aesthetic or artistic value. Even the colour seems rather jarring in these particular areas of the Old Town. It is ironic that while one Council Department concerns itself with improving the environment of the Lanes for the pedestrian visitor, another Department is eroding the attractiveness of the area.
Quite agree. I wonder where the old signs vanished to?