Wednesday 6 June 2012

Brighton Station Gateway 2

The orange lines represent options for new bus stop locations
Members of the public will have a further opportunity to give their views on how to improve the area around Brighton Station at two staffed exhibitions on the station concourse.

Brighton & Hove City Council is working with transport companies, residents, visitors and businesses to look at what can be done to improve the area around the city’s busiest transport hub. Brighton station is one of the busiest in the country operating from a historic but cramped site.

Following initial consultation at the end of last year three draft design options have been drawn up. Public views will be taken into account in the selection of a preferred design.
Residents, commuters, visitors and those wanting to take part can drop in at the exhibition on Tuesday, 12 June, 2-9pm or Wednesday, 13 June, 7am-2pm.

The council is looking to improve the space in front of the station which is currently dominated by traffic, but doesn’t work particularly well for taxis, buses or private vehicles.

A large number of people arrive and leave the station on foot but they have limited facilities.

Councillor Ian Davey, chair of the city’s transport committee, said: “There has been an excellent response so far and the designs we are currently consulting on have been drawn up from what people have told us.

“What we are trying to create is a great welcome to the city from the station area, a space that everyone can enjoy, and a place that helps you get where you’re going as quickly, or as slowly, as you want.”

See also: Brighton Station Gateway

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