Friday 13 January 2012

The Chain Pier by J M W Turner

The Chain Pier, Brighton by J M W Turner RA, 1775 -1851
This wonderful watercolour, painted shortly after the Pier was completed in 1823, has only recently surfaced after many years in a private collection. Apart from being a spirited seascape, in the background can be made out many fascinating details of the early 19th century town; the Royal Pavilion and the Royal Albion Hotel both, at that time, only recently completed, and on the hill behind, St. Nicholas Church and Vine's mill. On the seafront to the left can be seen Lamprell's circular baths, later Brill's baths, demolished in 1870 when grander premises were built between East Street and Pool Valley. 

The painting is being auctioned by Christie's, New York on January 26th. Estimated price $300,000 -$500,000.

It really belongs in Brighton Museum . . . 


  1. I agree: it's ours!

    Can't you send the Mayor over to the sale with a large cheque. The few extra pounds on the Council Tax would be well worth it.

  2. Dear Blogger

    The Turner watercolour was purchased at the Christie's auction in New York by the Royal Pavilion & Museums. With funds raised through Heritage Lottery Fund, the Art Fund and the Royal Pavilion & Museums Foundation

    It is now in the public collections of Brighton & Hove and we hope once it returns to the city to put it on public display. You can support Brighton Museum and the Royal Pavilion by becoming a member. Join the Foundation and help us save Brighton's great cultural heritage:

  3. Thank you for your comment Robert. I have been a Member of the Foundation and the Friends before that for many years but I am happy to second your appeal to other readers.

    See also:


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