Saturday 15 June 2013

A Plaque for St. Mary's Hall

A Blue Plaque was unveiled today by T J Elliot TD, MA, a past Governor of St. Mary's Hall school to commemorate its founding by his ancestor the Revd. Henry Venn Elliot. St Mary's Hall was one of the country's oldest schools for girls and was inspired by the clergy daughter school in Casterton (attended by the Brontë sisters and the inspiration for Jane Eyre). The plaque also commemorates the life of his sister Charlotte Elliot, the hymn writer.

Welcome speeches were made by Deputy Mayor Bill Randall, Averil Older, Chair of the City's Blue Plaque Panel, & Duane Passman, Director of 3T's on behalf of the Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals Trust.

Following St Mary’s Hall merger with Roedean in 2009, St. Mary's Hall closed and is now in the process of being renovated to house the Administrative Centre for the Hospitals Trust. 

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