Thursday 2 April 2020

Brighton Place - then & now

2nd April 2010

20th April 2019
It is gratifying that the attractive development of Hanningtons Lane has yielded a glimpse of the end wall of Puget's Cottage, the oldest building in the Old Town, and beyond it, the cupola of the Leeds Permanent building in North Street.

See also: Brighton Place


  1. Fancy one of the new shops. Not sure what the rent is now but they were going for £50,000 to £60,000 per annum. thats about £1,000 per week before Business rates, Insurance premiums, staff wages, National insurance contributions. Have I missed anything ? No wonder High Streets around the country are going "Tits Up!!!!!"

  2. Well pointed out, Delia. Excellent blog, if I may say so.

  3. Well pointed out, Delia. Excellent blog, if I may say so. The grey building in the top picture seems to have zero architecture to it, though putting all the windows together is something, I suppose.


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