Wednesday 26 December 2018

New housing off Coldean Lane

Planning application BH2018/03541 relates to a triangular green field site between the A27, Coldean Lane and Varley Halls. It provides for 250 residential dwellings divided between 2 seven storey buildings and 4 six storey buildings (including lift overruns). Also provided are 162 car parking spaces, 365 cycle parking spaces, new access from Coldean Lane and associated landscaping which incorporate areas of play/amenity space/active learning and substations.

Artist's view from the Coldean Lane entrance.

Present view from Coldean Lane

This is the largest development so far in the council's 'Homes for Neighbourhoods' programme for providing housing on council-owned land. The applicant is the 'City of Brighton and Hove Design & Build Company' which was incorporated in 2017 to implement this programme.  The documentation is high quality and extensively detailed.


  1. I think that the real estate business is very interesting and I just love reading articles about it. I recently read one about for sale in tel aviv and it was great.

  2. This land is a very steep hill which when you are at the top allows a clear view above the whole of Coldean. These blocks will be an eyesore on land which was previously part of the stanmer park Estate and is eating into our Green and Pleasant land.


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