Monday 26 March 2012

London Road Coop and the 'Local List'.

It is encouraging news that at the Cabinet meeting on March 29 (for planning, employment, economy and regeneration) the proposal to add this building to the Local List will be considered and hopefully approved.

The Brighton Local List was originally designated in 1987 and included in the 1995 Brighton Local Plan. Since then it has been periodically updated the last apparently in 2002. There is also a list for Hove  last updated in 1996.
    Policy HE10 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan 2005 states:-

    The Planning Authority will seek to ensure the retention, good maintenance and continued use of buildings of local interest. Whilst not enjoying the full protection of statutory listing, the design and the materials used in proposals affecting these buildings should be of a high standard compatible with the character of the building. 

    The detailed policies towards alterations and extensions to Buildings of Local Interest are the same as those towards buildings in Conservation Areas and the exterior of statutorily Listed Buildings.

    Earlier posts:
    Redevelopment of the London Road Co-op.
    Plans submitted for the London Road Co-op.

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