Monday 29 October 2012

Open Day at the Engineerium

Boiler room
For the first time for several years the Engineerium held an Open Day on Sunday. All entrance fees were donated to the Chestnut Tree Children's Hospice. It seems to have been very well-attended and have given visitors the chance to view the extensive refurbishment and development work in progress.

The Engineerium and its contents were saved a from auction and dispersal a few years ago by local entrepreneur Mr Mike Holland, seen above in conversation with 'Thomas Hawksley', victorian designer of the pumping station, who had kindly reincarnated to provide visitors with guided tours. They are seen in what was the coal store, converted to an exhibition hall in the 1970's and now destined to become a restaurant and bar.

N0.2 Pumping Engine
The boilers were in steam and the no.2 Pumping Engine, in beautiful condition, was  demonstrating its stately, intricate actions.

The new brick work blends seamlessly with the original.
A new skylight to what will become a new Exhibition Hall
The Engineerium across Hove Park
It is intended to open the Engineerium every Sunday throughout the winter.

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