Saturday 14 July 2012

Medina House - ePetition

SaveHOVE has posted a new petition on the Council's website:-

We the undersigned petition the council to Urgently produce a Planning Brief for Medina House. 

Planning Brief ground rules, over and above existing council policy documents and the Local Plan, are needed for any further Medina House planning applications as a matter of some urgency and in order to help bring the present stalemate situation with its owners to an end. We ask that BHCC considers

 (a) Giving first preference to restoration/redevelopment that brings the existing, historically important, building back into use, and if for housing, that it be confined to the present envelope, and car-free.

 (b) Considers non-housing use-class designation for the site in order to provide public facilities and/or employment opportunities for this section of Hove’s seafront area, and 

 (c) Restricts redevelopment at Medina House to the existing height level in order to protect tiny, historic, Sussex Road and Victoria Cottages dwellings (which abut the back wall of Medina House) from unacceptable overshadowing and light loss.

To log-on to the Council's website and sign the petition click here.

See also Medina House, Hove, reprieved again


  1. Thanks for the support for this epetition which has now finished (with 183 signatories). Paper petitions remain in use until both versions are presented to the Planning Committee on 8th August.

    Readers may be interested to know that the petition lodged at Sourdough, the Victoria Terrace bakery on Kingsway near Medina House, was stolen, clipboard and all.

    Wonder why.....

    Valerie Paynter

  2. why not just knock the shithole down and build something else?


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