Monday 9 April 2012

Fireworks at the Amex?

The original planning applications, BH2001/02418 and BH2008/02732 for the stadium at Falmer were subject to a condition (11) that: "There shall be no laser and/or firework displays at the Stadium". Recently filed application BH2012/00873 seeks to vary that condition to: "There shall be no laser or pyrotechnics/fireworks displays other than within the confines of the Stadium and then any such display shall be limited to lasers and pyrotechnics/fireworks, none of which shall exceed the highest point of the Stadium roof".

Considering that firework displays, of apparently unlimited height, are allowed at the cricket ground in the heart of residential Hove, this  condition in either version seems somewhat eccentric. I'm sure the residents of Falmer would be more concerned that such displays were not too frequent rather than be worried about their height. Indeed, if they are going to be disturbed anyway they might welcome the chance to view some of the display for free.


  1. Yeah I agree. As I recall indoor fireworks were a real disappointment.

  2. Very good post I enjoyed reading it from top to bottom.

  3. To "payday loans"

    I have no record of your comment so am unable to help..

  4. Seems to me that a large number of the 'original' conditions imposed on the site are now being circumvented. The conditions were set after long drawn out negotiations and were there to protect the poor soles of Falmer that have to endure having a large sports complex next door to their village. Get on with playing Football and leave the entertainments to someone else!!


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