Thursday 13 May 2010

The Keep

East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and the University of Sussex are planning to build a £19m, state-of-the-art, historical resource centre near Falmer.
Named appropriately the 'Keep' it will  provide a secure home for all the archives and historical resources of East Sussex and Brighton & Hove, and the Special Collections of the University of Sussex, including the internationally  renowned Mass Observation Archive. The building will also include the library and headquarters of the Sussex Family History Group.

Depending on what historical resources you are consulting and where you live the location at Falmer will obviously be more convenient for some, less so for others. There is no one ideal location for a facility like this, but considerable work has already started which will make local access to the site as user-friendly as possible. The current  progress is illustrated and described on the accompanying page "Access to the Keep".

As part of a public consultation on the Keep, an  information event will be held at the Jubilee Library in Brighton on Wednesday 26 May, from 2pm to 9pm. The Keep Survey forms are available now at the Library and have be returned by 28th May to your local library or handed in at the information event on 26th May.  Information is also available in local libraries.

For queries about the Survey email;

The Keep is scheduled to open for use in 2013.

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