Plans are afoot to develop a neglected, unregarded area of the Old Town into a vibrant, sympathetic extension of the famous Lanes. The area in question is the old Hannington's service yard which has vehicular access from Brighton Place and a shabby footpath from Meeting House Lane.
A new lane directly linking to this area will be created by rebuilding Timpson in North Street with a ground floor passageway.
New shops will be created along this new footpath, around the service yard and along the north side of the footpath to Meeting House Lane. The elevations will use materials traditional to the Lanes; render, brick, timber boarding, tile-hanging, including mathematical tile.
Part of the service yard and the footpath leading to Meeting House Lane |
Entrance to the service yard from Brighton Place |
The east side of Brighton Square will be remodelled and an extra storey added to provide a Boutique Hotel. The fountain will be removed, the sculpture relocated and the Square re-landscaped with semi-mature trees to create a "Green Oasis".
The footpath in the north-east corner of the Square ((centre picture above) will be re-opened providing another link to the new lane.
The scheme is sponsored by local property company Centurion and West Register, part of the Royal Bank of Scotland. The architects are Morgan Carn of Stanford Avenue, Brighton.